Monday, February 15, 2016

after the first snowfall

După prima ninsoare

Cine ar putea să citească
o caligrafie atât de străină,

linii de creion încurcate,
noduri de dantelă pe zăpadă?

--- Acolo cioara a dispărut după un copac.
Aici s-a întors.

--Iacob Roşcat

After the first snowfall

Who might learn to read
such foreign caligraphy,

tangled pencil scrawl,
knots of lace on snow?

--- There the crow disappeared behind a tree.
Here it came back.

(my translation)

Saturday, February 13, 2016

what the light taught yesterday

In winter, in the hour
when the sun runs liquid then freezes,
caught in the mantilla of empty trees;
when my heart listens
through the cold sethoscope of fear,
your voice in my head reminds me
what the light teaches.

--Anne Michaels
from What the Light Teaches