Sunday, February 3, 2013

the ice storm and everything since

(january, 2010)


  1. Awesome photo. A Willow tree? We had an ice storm many years ago. The woods across the street became a fairytale forest, but limbs were popping like gunshots. Our electricity was out so we bundled up and sat at an open window for hours just watching Nature unfold. It was magical. xo

  2. Marion: yes, a willow. isn't it interesting that beauty so often comes beside destruction?


  3. this is extraordinary and most intriguing!!! i think i took a similar, quite similar picture years ago - maybe before you came to the Bridge? oh what a feeling, to go back to that post, after all this time. i read the words and almost can't recognize them :-)

  4. what a web this is and there is such energy and movement that it's hard to believe it's a still photograph
