Monday, June 24, 2013

just before everything that happened after


  1. today, whether there are strawberries or not, I smell them in the air. all life trembles on the verge of that which has not even been imagined yet. astounding. as is her beauty. if ever there were a body (or photo) which said, i am the embodiment of time and the opportunity rendered in the distance granted inside of existence!

    i imagine you watching her, removed from her as father and then as voyeur/photographer, and yet i can see (inside the photograph?) you surge toward her. or is that me surging forward? or her? all of us? who could manage otherwise?


    1. erin: we converge, i think, all surging through time toward the same point outside of time ...

      i do watch her. i am amazed every time :-)


  2. there are so many waterfalls in her road,in her come,that her hands seems waves among water and thouhgts;and all what i can say is that the denouement will be something brilliant like her trip in the trees.and i would like to be there,at the gate:)

    1. Miriam: it seems a gift ti me, the opportunity to watch this journey, and i am grateful even for the waterfalls ...


  3. How is it we're centered in time and space, in the time of strawberries, for instance? And yet the photo tells me there is no time, there is only movement. This is our delicious tension. All this will end, but for now, it is ours.

    1. Ruth: the coexistence of time and timelessness is a great mystery -- how can we know ourselves, and yet be in constant change? how can every day be the same length, and yet certain moments expand and grow larger than all the years?

