Saturday, June 2, 2012

there is nothing except the now ... was there ever anything else?


  1. Well, James, there was "then", but it committed suicide after leaving the tiny verse: "my heart is as big as time, time is as big as my heart." It was never published, but read at the funeral.

    I'll have a single-malt.
    That's my zen, my cup of Joshu's tea.

    1. Andreas: single malt is also a mighty fine poetics

      i remember then's funeral, a sad occasion, indeed. wasn't then's death a double suicide in the arms of not yet?

  2. Was there ever anything else? Of course there was...

    If we say that there is nothing except the now then does our past and our future mean nothing....

    1. Liz: the past and the future mean a great deal. but how can we know them, except in how they appear through the lens of the present moment?

  3. we're always falling off of the razor's edge, aren't we?

    is there anything else? is there even a now? perhaps now is just as much an illusion as then, enough meat to convince us there is a dinner at all, otherwise - what? a vacuum, a voice, falling?

    now is the nail that drives us here. here. here. there's no place to hang a then without it, no place to hang a dream. what do we drive the nail of now into? a wall? is there a wall? and what is the hammer? desire? perhaps the wall is desire too. and now? do we hold the nail of desire and hit it with a hammer of desire into a wall of desire and then - then do we have a now? or do we only have desire?

    i don't know but the birds then look real enough. but this is the trick of photography. this was now. but now where are the birds? now what are the birds?

    endless conversation. exciting.


    1. erin: the relation between photography and time. there's a house of secret passageways and trick mirrors (and real mirrors, too -- their trick is to show you what is really there -- who can prepare for a ruse so sly?).

      where is the birds' now if not in the photograph that we see? does a photograph put a twist in time like the twist that turns a strip of paper into a moebius band? does it give us access from our now, into some other now? and how might that now be changed from our first time through?

      we stand on the crest of a dune, always crumbing from beneath our feet :-)

  4. it's a lesson to learn how to live in the perpetual now, I think that's what all writing is.

  5. You're right again James!
    Love the two little birds. ;-)

  6. Marion: to live fully in the perpetual now is eternity, perhaps? all possible time as perpetual now -- the POV of god?

  7. lucia: thank you :-) i'm not sure that i want to be right!!
